BeeKay's Blog

crafts, food, makeup, clothes, shoes, books, cats, life

Insomnia Strikes Again

Well, it’s almost five o’clock on Sunday morning, and Yours Truly is awake at an ungodly hour yet again. While the other inhabitants chez moi are snoozing snugly in their beds, I am sitting here (standing, actually) drafting a new blog post.

IDK why this recent phase of insomnia is ongoing. I take 10 mg of melatonin about an hour before I want to hit the hay—though I probably should not indulge in a couple of Starburst fruit chews after taking them. Then I get engrossed in “Forensic Files,” when I should probably dig up my Linguistics textbook from my junior year of college. THAT is the book form of Ambien, just without the sleep driving, sleep cooking, or whatever other sleep activities that are scary and messed up.

I have a lot of craft projects I need to crank out sooner rather than later. Can’t run the sewing machine at this hour because sleeping spousal unit. Maybe I’ll cut fabric for snappy bags, headbands, and pin basket linings.

OH! And speaking of candy, we won’t have to buy any for a good long time. We bought a shed load of candy for trick-or-treaters—in my neck of the woods, trick-or-treat is 10/30 and 10/31; it has been that way since I was a wee lass growing up here, which people who are not from here don’t get—not to mention my candy jar, which is fully stocked.

Fully stocked candy jar

I’m sure cavities, or weight gain, will be imminent.


Sweets from BJ’s Warehouse. I could spend all day in that place

  • 225 pieces/4 pounds of grape and strawberry Nerds (yuck), strawberry and banana Laffy Taffy (yum), and Everlasting Gobstoppers (double yum)
  • 145 pieces/2.5 pounds of Hershey bars (meh), Reese’s peanut butter cup minis (yum), Whoppers (more yum), and Kit Kat bars (meh)
  • 180 pieces/4.5 pounds of Skittles (YUM), Starburst originals (YUM X two), and Life Savers Gummies (yuck)

As you can see, the chocolate has been raided already, not by me.

I leave you with this:

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